2018 National Air Quality Conference

Air Quality Forecasting and Mapping
Communicating Air Quality

Sheraton Austin Hotel at The Capitol
Austin, Texas

January 24-26, 2018

Welcome to the conference information and registration page.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA) and the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA) invite you to attend this year's National Air Quality Conference, which will be held Wednesday-Friday, January 24-26, in Austin, TX. Air quality professionals from federal, state, local and tribal air pollution organizations, metropolitan and regional planning organizations, environmental and research organizations, and industry representatives are encouraged to participate to learn the latest information on air quality forecasting and mapping, air quality and your health, and innovative outreach programs.

The general program will begin on Wednesday morning with an optional "AQI & AirNow 101" session for those new to air quality programs. The conference will officially kick off Wednesday afternoon with an opening plenary session, followed by focused breakout sessions, exhibits, and a poster session. The breakout sessions will include two tracks: air quality forecasting and mapping, and communicating air quality. Friday afternoon will feature a closing plenary session. Come share your experiences and knowledge, network with colleagues, and learn about new and innovative projects at our exhibits and poster area.

Please note: There is no fee to attend this conference.

Advance registration is now closed. You may register onsite beginning at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, January 24th.

A Special Thanks to our Generous Supporters!

Platinum Level

ESC Sonoma Technology

Gold Level


Silver Level

AETHLABS AQ Mesh Vaisala URG Wilbur Technical Services

Bronze Level

TSI Magee Scientific SUTRON Eagle Environmental Environics Trinity Consultants Thelco Thermo Scientific ECOMESURE